Anything sound familiar? ….. 

  • People confused and overloaded with complexity?

  • Problems with low staff engagement levels?

  • Staff overwhelmed  (or underwhelmed) with change?  

  • Challenges to get everyone on the same page?  

  • Lack of clear leadership vision?  

  • Stakeholders or decision-makers disengaged or critical?  

If any of these sound familiar, we can help!  

Motive8’s unique strategic facilitation and visualisation process is based around getting the right people around the table, discussing, clarifying and refining thinking along the way.
We facilitate collaborative discussions to extract the story, using iterations of the draft Rich Picture to stimulate further discussions.  As the process progresses, a cohesive story emerges into a compelling Rich Picture that can then be used to engage target audiences. 

Our key objective with every project is to engage - so our Rich Pictures are designed to be talked to, presented and passed around; so that people can understand the key issues, collaborate, make decisions if needed, and ultimately make things happen.  

The scope for Motive8’s Rich Pictures is really wide - from collaborating with multiple sector and stakeholders to draw out a shared vision, to drawing a 10,000ft helicopter view of what a journey to success looks like, through to simply explaining key steps of a complex process. 

We’re here to help so give us a call! 

You can check out some of our featured Rich Pictures below:

"However tight things are, you still need to have the big picture at the forefront of your mind" ~ Richard Branson

Other Rich Picture clients


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